Fr Thomas’ Homily for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Be Shrewd and Dedicated

A woman complained, “So and so is harassing me saying that I married him.  It is true father I married him to get a visa to Australia.  He knows that I have a husband and family back home”, she said.  Marrying a stranger just to organise a visa to Australia!  It shows the extent people go to achieve a goal once it is set in mind.  Though the means the woman took is not so noble, one has to appreciate her determination.  The moral deficit was born out of the desperation to get out of the misery of her homeland and wanting to establish a secure future for herself.  Once that goal is set, she risked everything including her moral reputation to achieve it.  Though dishonest, her astuteness is praiseworthy.

The story of the dishonest steward who was despised by his master is a similar one (Ref.  Lk 16:1-13) In spite of the steward undercutting the loan repayments of the debtors to his master, he is praised for his astuteness. Having said this story, Jesus said that the “children of the light” (the disciples) have to learn from this.  Your focus on the Kingdom of God be unwavering.

How resolute is your following of Jesus to the Kingdom of God?  Are you prepared to risk your money, status, and even your reputation for the sake of the Kingdom of God?  If you are happy just following the money trail, the Kingdom of God will be elusive to you.  Our Lord demands total dedication from you for the Kingdom of God.