Fr Thomas’ Message for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

We are to be good news

JobKeeper and JobSeeker payments of the government have helped to contain unemployment during the pandemic.  Protecting the employment of the people has always been a very important matter.  Wellbeing of the people depends on employment and the income it would generate.  Therefore, no one would think of abandoning a well-established income source.  Is that the truth always?

Work brings money which in turn can lead into a spending spree.  Thus the so called achievers’ lives may be revolving around workaholism and the thrill of spending.  In the pleasure of doing so, they may not realise that they are in a kind of rut and there is no forward movement in life . Is your life meant to be lost in such a cycle where there is neither any sense of fulfilment nor any joy of a new beginning?

Jesus preached the coming of the Kingdom of God, which could break the cycle of ‘earn and spend’ in life.  Human life is to have a meaning and a purpose designed by God.  Repentance or turning to God is the way to achieve it.   Jesus “saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him.”  The call of Jesus brought a realisation for Simon and Andrew that there is more to life than their fishing business.  These brothers were prepared to leave their company and parents behind to follow Jesus.  Such was their enthusiasm for the new found life, discipleship to Jesus.  Can you think of a new beginning in your life which drew you out of the shallowness of ‘earn and spend’?

Jesus and his words can transform your lives.  This in turn will enable you to be disciples who are capable of transforming the lives of others, especially those in need of purpose and meaning in their lives. Your parish has plans this year to pursue this great mission more powerfully.  The “call experience” Jesus provides will lead you to a different style of life.  Would you like to be part of this pursuit?  If so, let me know.  We are here to be good news to humanity.